St. John of the Cross

St. John of the Cross Biography

St. John of the Cross Pray for UsSt. John of the Cross was a Spanish mystic, poet, and Carmelite friar, who is considered one of the greatest saints and mystics in the history of Christianity. He was born Juan de Yepes Álvarez in Fontiveros, Spain in 1542. He was the son of a weaver and was raised in a poor and humble family.

In his youth, John felt a call to the religious life, and at the age of 21, he entered the Carmelite monastery of Medina del Campo. He later moved to the Carmelite monastery of San Mateo in Medina del Campo, where he began to study theology. He also met St. Teresa of Ávila, who was a mystic and writer, and was deeply influenced by her teachings.

In 1568, St. Teresa founded the Discalced Carmelites, a reform movement within the Carmelite order that emphasized a life of poverty, simplicity, and contemplation. John joined the Discalced Carmelites and became one of its most prominent members.

In 1577, John was appointed the prior of the Discalced Carmelite monastery in Toledo, and three years later, he became the provincial of Andalusia. He was also appointed spiritual director to St. Teresa of Ávila. He began to write poetry, including his famous “Spiritual Canticle” and “Dark Night of the Soul”. He also wrote works on mysticism and spirituality, including “”Ascent of Mount Carmel” and “The Living Flame of Love.”

In 1591, John was imprisoned by the Calced Carmelites, the more traditional branch of the order, who were opposed to the reforms introduced by St. Teresa and St. John. He was kept in a small cell and subjected to harsh treatment for nine months. He used this time to reflect and meditate, and it is said that he wrote some of his most important works during this period of imprisonment.

After his release, John returned to his work as a preacher and spiritual director. He also began to travel throughout Spain, establishing new Discalced Carmelite houses and giving spiritual guidance to the friars and lay people who sought his advice.

John’s writings had a profound influence on the development of Christian mysticism, and they continue to be widely read and studied to this day. His poetry and spiritual texts are considered some of the most beautiful and profound examples of Spanish literature.

John died in 1591 in Ubeda, Spain. He was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1726, along with St. Teresa of Avila, and is honored as a Doctor of the Church.

The Life of St. John of the Cross

St. John of the Cross Feast DaySt. John was born near Avila, Spain, in 1542. At the age of twenty-two he entered the Carmelite Order and took the name of John of the Cross. He was ordained Priest in 1567, and led a most holy, austere, prayerful life.

Inflamed with a desire to live a simple life, he considered entering the Carthusian Order. Instead, he was led by St. Teresa of Avila to join the newly created Order of Barefooted Carmelites. John was soon joined by some others, all of whom renewed their profession in Advent, 1568. Their sanctity spread throughout the village of Durville and soon over all of Spain.

Devotion to the Holy Cross

St. John’s intense love of the cross appeared in all his actions, and it was by meditating continually on the sufferings of Christ that it increased daily in his soul. He not only passed through many spiritual and interior trials, but underwent much persecution and even imprisonment for nine months at Toledo.

St. Teresa, when made Prioress of the convent at Avila where she had made her profession, appointed St. John spiritual director of the house in 1576. He gave her his powerful help in reforming the Order. Once St. John heard Christ say to him: “John, what recompense dost thou ask of thy labors?” He answer “Lord, I ask no other recompense than to suffer and be contemned for Thy lov””. The love of God so powerfully possessed his soul, and its fire was so violent, that his words were sufficient to kindle a flame in others.

Great Author

His wonderful works on Mystical Theology, “The Ascent of Mount Carmel”, “The Dark Knight”, “The Spiritual Canticle”, “The Living Flame”, make him the master and guide of all who are favored with the gift of supernatural prayer. He lays down in his works two fundamental rules of perfection: (1) that a person endeavor to perform all his actions in union with those of Jesus Christ, desiring to imitate Him and to put on His spirit; (2) to mortify his senses in all things, denying them whatever does not seem most to contribute to the glory of God.

St. John often begged God not to let him pass a day without suffering and to permit him to die where he would be unknown to all. God answered his prayer, for the reform of Carmel caused him great suffering, and even banishment. For three months prior to his death, he endured excruciating pains and fever from an ulcerated leg.

He calmly breathed forth his soul on December 14, 1591, as he pressed the crucifix on his breast and said, “”Lord, into Thy hands I commend my soul””. St. John was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726. and was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI on November 24, 1926.

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Prayers to St. John of the Cross

Prayer of Intercession to St. John of the Cross

Prayer to St. John of the CrossAlmighty Father,
you endowed John of the Cross
with a spirit of self-denial
and a love of the Cross.
By following his example,
may we come to the eternal vision of your glory.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer written by St. John of the Cross

O Blessed Jesus, grant me stillness of soul in Thee. Let Thy mighty calmness reign in me. Rule me, O thou King of gentleness, King of peace. Give me control, control over my words, thoughts and actions. From all irritability, want of meekness, want of gentleness, O dear Lord, deliver me. By thine own deep patience give me patience, stillness of soul in Thee. Make me in this, and in all, more and more like Thee. Amen.

Prayer to St. John of the Cross

Dear St. John of the Cross, you were known for your deep spirituality and your unwavering commitment to the Lord. I turn to you today, asking for your intercession and guidance as I seek to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Help me to grow in my own spiritual life, and to deepen my relationship with the Lord. Give me the strength to resist temptation and to remain steadfast in my faith, even in the face of adversity. And may I live my life in a manner that brings others closer to the Lord, and that brings glory to His name. Amen.

A prayer for the Spiritual Life of St. John of the Cross

Dear St. John of the Cross, I pray for your spiritual life today, that I may be inspired by your example and your deep commitment to the Lord. Help me to grow in my own spiritual life, and to deepen my relationship with the Lord.

Give me the grace to resist temptation and to remain steadfast in my faith, even in the face of difficulty. And may I live my life in a manner that brings others closer to the Lord, and that brings glory to His name. Amen.

A prayer for the Intercession of St. John of the Cross

Dear St. John of the Cross, I turn to you today in need of your intercession. You were known for your deep spirituality and your unwavering commitment to the Lord, and I ask that you intercede for me and for all those in need of your help.

Please pray for those who are struggling in their faith, that they may find comfort and hope in their trials. Pray for those who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, that they may find what they are looking for. And pray for all of us, that we may grow in our spiritual lives and deepen our own relationships with the Lord. Amen.

St. John of the Cross: Patron Saint of Mystics and Poets

St. John of the Cross HistorySt. John of the Cross is the patron saint of mystics and poets. This means that he is the chosen intercessor, or spiritual helper, for people in these particular professions or vocations. This choice is based on his life and the examples he set that make him a model for mystics and poets, as well as others who share his values.

St. John of the Cross was a 16th-century Spanish mystic, poet, and Carmelite friar. He is known for his writings on the spiritual life, including the “”Dark Night of the Soul”” and “”The Living Flame of Love.”” These works are considered some of the greatest masterpieces of mystical literature and are considered to be among the most profound works on the interior life.

St. John of the Cross is the patron saint of mystics because of his deep spiritual insights and his writings on the spiritual life. His works provide guidance to those on the mystical path, and his life serves as an example of how to deepen one’s relationship with God through prayer, contemplation, and spiritual discipline.

St. John of the Cross is also the patron saint of poets because of his ability to express complex spiritual concepts in beautiful and accessible language. His poetry has been admired for its depth of feeling, its mystical insights, and its use of vivid imagery.

In addition to his role as patron of mystics and poets, St. John of the Cross is also revered as a model of perseverance and faith. Despite being imprisoned and suffering great physical and spiritual trials, St. John of the Cross remained steadfast in his faith and continued to write and teach about the spiritual life.

In conclusion, St. John of the Cross is the patron saint of mystics and poets because of his profound spiritual insights, his writings on the spiritual life, and his ability to express complex concepts in beautiful language. Through his example, mystics and poets can be inspired to deepen their spiritual lives, to persevere in the face of trials, and to express their own spiritual journeys through their work.” “

Reflection on the feast day of St. John of the Cross

Saint John of the Cross BiographyThe feast day of St. John of the Cross is celebrated on December 14th.

St. John of the Cross was a Spanish Catholic mystic, priest, and theologian who lived in the 16th century. He is known for his deep spiritual writings, particularly his work “”Dark Night of the Soul”” which describes the journey of the soul to union with God. He is considered one of the greatest mystics of the Church and a Doctor of the Church.

On the feast day of St. John of the Cross, we remember his deep faith, his wisdom, and his contributions to the Church. He serves as a powerful example of how one person can make a significant impact on the world through their devotion to God and their willingness to serve others.

One of the things that stands out about St. John of the Cross is his spiritual writings. He wrote extensively about the journey of the soul to union with God and his works have been an inspiration to many people throughout the centuries. His writing can be difficult and challenging, but they are also powerful and transformative.

As we celebrate the feast day of St. John of the Cross, let us take inspiration from his example of wisdom, deep faith and spiritual writings. Let us be reminded that, as followers of Christ, we are called to deepen our understanding of the spiritual life, and to strive for union with God.

In addition, let us also remember St. John of the Cross as one of the greatest mystics of the Church and a Doctor of the Church. Let us take this opportunity to reflect on the role of mysticism in the Church and how it can help us to deepen our relationship with God.

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