St. Gregory the Great

St. Gregory, one of the greatest Popes to fill the Chair of Peter, was a...[Read More]

St. Benedict

St. Benedict, the Patriarch of Western Monks, was born in 480 at Nursia, a small...[Read More]

St. Thomas the Apostle – Patron Saint of Architects

St. Thomas was one of the chosen Twelve, otherwise called Didymus (twin). His name occurs...[Read More]

St. Timothy – Patron Saint of Stomach Disorders

St. Timothy was born at Lystra in Asia Minor. Saint Timothy was a beloved disciple...[Read More]

St. Peter Nolasco – Patron Saint of Fishermen

St. Peter Nolasco was born near Castelnaudary, France, in 1182, of a noble family. From...[Read More]

St. Germaine Cousin

Saint Germaine Cousin was born in 1579 in Pibrac, a small village in France. She...[Read More]