Our Lady of Tears

What is the devotion to Our Lady of Tears?

Devotion to Our Lady of Tears, also known as the Virgin Mary, is a longstanding practice in the Catholic Church, specifically in the island of Sicily, Italy. This devotion is rooted in the belief that the Virgin Mary, as the mother of Jesus Christ, is a powerful intercessor who can bring comfort and consolation to those who call upon her, particularly in times of sorrow and hardship.

The origins of the devotion can be traced back to the early 20th century, when a Sicilian farmer, named Vincenzo Leonardi, reported a vision of the Virgin Mary who shed tears in front of him. The farmer reported that the Virgin Mary had appeared to him and cried, expressing her sadness for the sinfulness of the world, and asking for repentance and prayer. He also reported that the Virgin Mary had promised to protect and bless those who would honor her as Our Lady of Tears.

The devotion to Our Lady of Tears is often associated with the Rosary, a Catholic prayer devotion that involves repeating specific prayers while meditating on the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ. Many Catholics believe that saying the Rosary can bring comfort and consolation in difficult times.

Our Lady of Tears is also associated with the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears, in the city of Siracusa, Sicily, where the apparition of the Virgin Mary was reported. This Sanctuary is considered a place of pilgrimage and devotion, where people come to seek the Virgin’s protection and guidance, especially in times of sorrow and hardship.

The devotion to Our Lady of Tears is often marked by special liturgical celebrations, such as the Feast of Our Lady of Tears, which is celebrated every September, the month of the reported apparition. This feast is an opportunity for Catholics to come together and give thanks for the comfort and consolation that the Virgin Mary brings to their lives, especially in times of sorrow and hardship.

In addition to liturgical celebrations, there are also many rituals and ceremonies associated with Our Lady of Tears that are performed by Catholics. These rituals are performed to ask for the Virgin’s protection and guidance, and to show gratitude for her intercession. Some of these rituals include processions, drumming and dancing, offerings, and candlelight vigils.

Many Catholics devotees of Our Lady of Tears consider her as a powerful spiritual force, who can help to guide them through difficult times and bring them comfort and consolation in their lives. They also consider her as a symbol of hope and solace in times of sorrow and hardship.

Overall, devotion to Our Lady of Tears is a significant aspect of Sicilian Catholicism that brings people together in faith and devotion to the mother of Jesus Christ. Through prayer, liturgical celebrations, pilgrimage, and personal reflection, Catholics are able to deepen their devotion and seek the comfort and consolation that the Virgin Mary can bring, especially in times of sorrow and hardship.

Popular Our Lady of Tears Medal and Our Lady of Tears Rosary

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When is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Tears

The Feast Day of Our Lady of Tears, also known as Our Lady of Consolation, is celebrated on September 15th every year. This date marks the anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary to a group of young children in the town of Syracuse, Italy in 1953.

Our Lady of Tears is invoked for her powerful intercession and protection in times of sorrow and suffering. According to the tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of young children and wept tears of sorrow. The children were able to collect the tears in a handkerchief, and it was believed that these tears had miraculous healing properties.

The Feast Day of Our Lady of Tears is celebrated with mass, processions, and the recitation of the Rosary. Many people will also light candles and offer prayers to Our Lady of Tears. It is a time for Catholics to come together and reflect on the messages of the Virgin Mary and to ask for her intercession in their own lives.

This Feast Day is also an opportunity for Catholics to honor the Virgin Mary, and to seek her protection and guidance. The messages of Our Lady of Tears encourages the faithful to lead a life of prayer and devotion and to trust in her powerful intercession during times of sorrow.

Whether you’re able to attend mass on this day or not, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Tears is an opportunity to honor the Virgin Mary and to reflect on her role in your life. It is a reminder of her constant presence and her love for all her children.

Prayer for Comfort

Our Lady of Tears,
Mother of Sorrows and Comforter of the afflicted,
We turn to you in our time of need,
And beg for your intercession.
Through the power of your love and compassion,
Grant us comfort and peace in our suffering.
May your motherly love surround us and bring us solace.
We entrust ourselves to you and ask for your guidance and protection.
May your intercession bring blessings and peace to our lives.
We love you and thank you for your continued presence in our lives.

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