St. Patrick Medal
This St. Patrick Medal and Necklace features a pendant with a hand pressed image of St. Patrick surrounded by the words ‘St. Patrick Pray for Us’.
Sterling Silver St. Patrick Medal and Necklace
14KT Gold Filled St. Patrick Medal and Necklace
14KT Gold St Patrick Medal
St. Patrick
St. Patrick was a Gallo-Roman, born in 387. His mother, Conchessa, was closely related to St. Martin of Tours, whose disciple Patrick afterwards became. The Saint tells us that his father, Calpurnius, was a Roman officer.
The Miracle of Baptism
A miracle is said to have signalized St. Patrciks baptism The blind and aged priest was unable to find water for the sacrament. Illuminated as to the future sanctity of the child, he signed with the infant’s hand a cross upon the ground. Immediately a spring of water gushed forth, in which the baby was baptized, and the priest’s blind eyes were washed and sight restored. The child was, it seems christened with the name Maewyn Succat.
The name Patricius, or Patrick, was the gift of Pope Celestine when the Saint had reached the age of sixty, and was commissioned by the Pope to preach the Gospel in Ireland.
Carried into Slavery
It seems a fairly established fact that St. Patricks mother was traded as a slve in her youth, as her son was later. So it was by one who had been a slave, and the son of a slave, that the Gospel was preached to a people who were for many centuries to know the sorrows of servitude.
Patrick was sixteen years of age when he was carried into captivity and sold to Milcho, the chief of North Dalraida. During his servitude he spent his waking hours in prayer offering up his suffering to God. God, Who never suffers Himself to be outdone in generosity, rewarded the generous prayer and penance of Patrick by sending His angel, Victor, down to the lonely shepherd on Mount Slemish, to give him the strength and comfort. St. Patrick was gifted with a vision of the future glories of Ireland.
For six years Patrick suffered and prayed; at last his day of freedom arrived. A voice from Heaven told him to go to France: “Behold, the ship is ready”. There he met, St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, who became Patrick’s guide, teacher and friend. St. Germanus was sent by the Pope to Britain to attack in one of its strongholds the heresy of Pelagius, and invited Patrick to assist him.
Ministry in England and Ireland
It is probable that, owing to his work in Britain, Patrick was sent to Rome to Pope Celestine. St. Germanus recommended him as a strong husbandman, well fitted for cultivating the harvest of the Lord”. Patrick received from the Pope the commission to preach the Word of God in Erin. He was consecrated Bishop, and in 432, after thirty years’ absence, he returned to Ireland.
His fame as a wonder-worker soon spread. A burning, apostolic zeal converted numberless souls to the one, true Church of Christ. He taught them about the Blessed Trinity by showing them how the shamrock has three leaves yet is one plant. For sixty years St. Patrick labored among the Irish, and reached the extraordinary age of 105 years. The Faith of the Irish has been so strong that they have carried the love of Jesus and Mary all over the world. And even today the eyes and hearts of the Irish are still fondly turned to St. Patrick.
In wearing this St. Patrick pendent, we are reminded of the great role-model of St. Patrick and ask for his heavenly intercession of our intentions.
St. Patrick Rosary
UPC: 617759924848
Brand: Bliss
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