St. Felix of Spoleto

St. Felix’s feast day is celebrated on February 17th by the Catholic Church.

There is very limited historical records on the life of St. Felix of Spoleto. He is believed to have been a martyr during the 3rd century, and is venerated as the patron saint of the city of Spoleto, Italy. However, there is no clear historical record of his life or martyrdom.

Some legends associate him with a 4th-century bishop of Spoleto named Felix, but this connection is not verified by historical records.

In the Middle Ages, a church in Spoleto was dedicated to St. Felix, and his cult was popular in the region. The church was rebuilt in the 18th century, and now serves as a minor basilica.

It is believed that St. Felix was a martyr of the Christian faith, but the details of his life and death are not known.

Some legends claim that St. Felix was a bishop of Spoleto, but there is no concrete historical evidence to support this.

Despite the lack of information about his life, St. Felix is still venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the city of Spoleto.

Next up: Biography of St. Fiacre

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