St. Gaetamo

St. Gaetamo Biography

St. Cajetan, also known as St. Gaetano dei Thiene, was an Italian Catholic priest and religious reformer. He was born in Vicenza, Italy in 1480 and studied law before entering the priesthood. St. Cajetan founded the Order of Clerics Regular, also known as the Theatines, in 1524 with the aim of reforming the Church and promoting spiritual renewal. The Theatines were known for their emphasis on preaching, education, and charitable works. St. Cajetan was also a strong advocate for the poor and worked to improve conditions in hospitals and other institutions. He died in Naples in 1547 and was canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671. St. Cajetan is the patron saint of the sick and of jobs involving communication.

Detailed Biography

St Gaetano was born in 1480 in Vicenza, Italy, into a noble family. He studied law at Padua and became a doctor of both civil and canon law. He moved to Rome in 1505, where he worked as a secretary for Pope Julius II and helped reconcile the Republic of Venice with the papacy. He was ordained a priest in 1516, after having a vision of the Virgin Mary.
St Gaetano had a deep love for the Holy Eucharist and for the poor. He founded a hospital for incurables in Vicenza in 1522, and another one in Venice in 1523. He also joined a confraternity called the Oratory of Divine Love, which was dedicated to prayer and charity. He felt called to reform the clergy and to revive the spirit of the apostles.
In 1524, he co-founded the Clerks Regular, a new religious order that combined monastic discipline with active ministry. The order was also known as the Theatines, after the Latin name of Chieti, where one of his companions, Bishop Giovanni Pietro Carafa, later Pope Paul IV, was from. The Theatines aimed to promote personal holiness, ecclesiastical reform and evangelization.
St Gaetano faced many challenges and hardships in his mission. He was tortured by Spanish soldiers during the sack of Rome in 1527, but managed to escape to Venice. He founded a house in Naples in 1533, where he encountered hostility from some clergy and nobles who opposed his reforms. He also founded a bank to help the poor and to offer an alternative to usurers, who charged high interest rates.
St Gaetano died in 1547 in Naples, after a long illness. He was canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. His feast day is celebrated on August 7. He is revered as a model of piety, humility and charity, and as an intercessor for those who seek work or good fortune.

Prayers to St. Gaetamo, also called St. Cajetan

Prayer of Intercession to St. Gaetamo

O St. Cajetan, patron of the unemployed and the sick, I seek your intercession for the grace to trust in God’s providence and to find joy in all circumstances. Help me to see the value in every person and to serve others with love and compassion. Grant me the courage to face any challenges that may come my way, and the strength to persevere in times of difficulty. I pray that, through your intercession, I may one day share in the joy of heaven. Amen.

Prayer to St. Gaetamo

O St. Gaetamo, holy and faithful servant of God, I ask for your guidance and protection in my life. Help me to trust in God’s love and to find joy in serving others. Give me the strength to face any challenges that come my way, and the courage to follow the path of righteousness. I offer you my prayers and thanksgiving, and ask that you continue to watch over me and guide me on my earthly journey. Amen.

Quotes by St. Gaetamo

“To pray is to speak with God and to listen to Him at the same time.”

“Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.”

“The love of God is the most powerful force in the world. It can overcome all obstacles and bring peace and joy to even the most troubled heart.”

“True happiness is found in loving God and serving Him with all our heart and soul.”

“The path to holiness is not an easy one, but it is worth all the effort, for it leads to eternal life with God.”

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