St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel

Biography of St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel

St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel (1596-1670) was a French Roman Catholic mystic, visionary, and foundress of the Sisters of the Child Jesus, a religious congregation dedicated to the education and care of children.

Born in Lyons, France, Jeanne was the daughter of a wealthy merchant. She was known for her deep piety and her love of God from a young age, and at the age of 17, she felt a calling to religious life. She lived for some years as a laywoman with her family and was involved in charitable works and caring for the poor and sick.

In 1633, Jeanne founded the Sisters of the Child Jesus, a religious congregation dedicated to the education and care of children, especially the poor and the orphaned. The congregation focused on providing education, spiritual guidance, and other services to the children in their care, and quickly established schools and orphanages throughout France.

Throughout her life, Jeanne experienced many visions and mystical revelations, which she recorded in her spiritual diary. She was known for her strong faith, her devotion to God, and her deep compassion for the poor and the marginalized. She spent her life serving the children and the poor, and was known for her wisdom and deep spirituality.

Jeanne died in 1670 in Lyon and was buried in the motherhouse of her congregation. She was venerated by the local population as a holy woman and her cult spread rapidly in the area where she lived. Her cause for canonization was opened by the Catholic Church in 1899.

In 1969, Pope Paul VI recognized her heroic virtues and declared her Venerable. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995 and St. Jeanne canonized by Pope Francis

Prayers to St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel

St. Jeanne de Chantal, you were a woman of great faith, hope, and charity. Your devotion to God, your kindness, your wisdom and your love for others, continue to inspire us today. We ask for your intercession, that we may follow your example, imitate your virtues, and be guided by your wisdom.


Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the life and witness of St. Jeanne de Chantal. You blessed her with a deep faith, wisdom, and a loving heart. As we honor her memory, we ask that you bless us with her spirit of humility, devotion and charity. May her intercession guide us to imitate her kindness, her wisdom, and her love for others, and may we come to know you more fully through her example. Amen.

Popular St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel Medal and St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel Rosary

St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel patron saint of widows

St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel, also known as Saint Jeanne de Chantal, is a Catholic saint who is the patron saint of widows and orphanages. She was born in 1572 in Dijon, France, and was married at a young age. However, her husband died in a hunting accident, leaving her a widow with four children.

After her husband’s death, St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel devoted herself to serving the poor and needy. She founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, a religious order for women that focused on serving the poor and educating young girls. The order still exists today, with over 200 monasteries worldwide.

St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel’s work with widows and orphans was particularly notable. She provided education and support for young girls who had lost their mothers, and she also helped to establish orphanages for children who had lost both parents. She is remembered for her kindness, compassion, and dedication to serving others, especially those who were most in need.

St. Jeanne Chezard de Matel’s feast day is celebrated on August 12th, and she is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. Her legacy of compassion and service continues to inspire people to this day, and she is remembered as a model of charity and a patron saint of widows and orphanages.

In her honor, many schools, churches, and orphanages are named after her, and her followers continue to be inspired by her example of selflessness and devotion to helping others. Her message of service and humility still resonates with people today and continues to be an inspiration for many.

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