St. Longinus

St. Longinus Biography

St. Longinus was a Roman centurion who, according to Christian tradition, was the soldier who pierced the side of Jesus Christ with a spear during the crucifixion. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic and Orthodox Church, and his feast day is celebrated on March 15th.

According to the Gospel of John, Longinus was a member of the Roman military unit that was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. He is said to have been the one who pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, causing blood and water to flow out. When this happened, Longinus is said to have exclaimed, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”

After the crucifixion, Longinus is said to have converted to Christianity and to have become a disciple of Jesus. He is said to have preached the gospel and to have performed miracles in the name of Jesus. He is also said to have been martyred for his faith, although the details of his martyrdom are not well-known.

Longinus is venerated as a saint in the Catholic and Orthodox Church, and his feast day is celebrated on March 15th. He is the patron saint of soldiers and of eye disorders, and his name is invoked in the Catholic Church’s Rite of Exorcism.

The traditional account of Longinus is that, after the Crucifixion, he was converted to Christianity and became a bishop in Cappadocia, present-day Turkey. He is also said to have preached in Egypt and to have been beheaded by the Roman Emperor Trajan. His relic, the spear which pierced Jesus’ side, is said to have been brought to Rome by Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine.

Longinus was mentioned in the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, which was written in the 4th century. The account of Longinus’ conversion is also found in the ancient text known as the “Acts of Pilate,” which is not considered to be historically reliable.

Despite the lack of historical evidence for Longinus, his story has been an important part of Christian tradition and art. He is often depicted in art as a soldier holding a spear and is also known as the “Soldier of the Lord.”

St. Longinus is considered by the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church as a martyr and Saint, and his story is an important part of Christian tradition. He is a reminder of the power of faith and the ability of even the most unlikely people to be changed by the love of God.

Prayers to St. Longinus

Prayer 1:

Dear St. Longinus, You were present at the crucifixion of Jesus and were converted by the power of His love. I ask for your intercession to help me to deepen my faith in Jesus and to understand the true meaning of His sacrifice. Please guide me in my spiritual journey and help me to grow in my love for God and for my fellow man. I ask for the strength to endure any suffering that comes my way, and the courage to proclaim my faith in Jesus, just as you did. Amen.

Prayer 2:

O St. Longinus, You were a soldier and a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus. I ask for your guidance and intercession as I navigate the difficulties of living a life of faith in the world today. Help me to be a courageous and faithful witness to the love of Jesus, and to use my talents and abilities to serve others. Please give me the wisdom and strength to live a life of service and devotion to God, just as you did during your lifetime. Amen.

Prayer 3:

St. Longinus, You were blind but you received your sight after touching the blood of Jesus. I ask for your intercession as I struggle with physical or spiritual blindness. Please help me to see the truth and beauty of the world around me, and to see the love of Jesus in the people I encounter. I ask for the gift of faith and the ability to see the world with the eyes of the spirit. Amen

Next up: Biography of St. Lorenzo Ruiz

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