St. Paul of the Cross

St. Paul of the Cross Biography

Paul of the Cross was an Italian Catholic priest, mystic, and founder of the Passionist religious order. He was born on January 3, 1694, in Ovada, Italy, the fourth of six children. His parents, Camillo and Maria Paglia, were devout Catholics and provided a strong religious foundation for their children.

As a young man, Paul felt called to the religious life and entered the Congregation of the Clerics Regular of St. Paul, also known as the Barnabites. He was ordained a priest in 1720 and spent the next several years serving as a missionary and preacher.

In 1720, Paul had a profound spiritual experience while praying in a chapel in Genoa. He felt a strong call to dedicate his life to spreading the message of the Passion of Jesus Christ and to establish a religious order to do so. In response to this call, he founded the Passionist religious order in 1720. The order was dedicated to the promotion of devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the salvation of souls through contemplation and meditation on the sufferings of Christ.

Paul spent the rest of his life spreading the message of the Passion and establishing Passionist communities throughout Italy and Europe. He was known for his powerful and moving sermons, which often left his listeners in tears. He was also a prolific writer and composed numerous works on the Passion of Christ, including a commentary on the Song of Songs and a treatise on the interior life.

Paul of the Cross died on October 18, 1775, in Rome. He was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1867 and is now recognized as a saint. St. Paul of the Cross’ feast day is celebrated on October 19.

Popular St. Paul of the Cross Medal

Prayers to St. Paul of the Cross

Prayer of Intercession to St. Paul of the Cross

O St. Paul of the Cross, patron of all who suffer, intercede for us before the throne of God. Help us to bear our trials with patience and faith, knowing that through them we can grow in holiness and draw closer to Jesus, who suffered and died on the cross for our salvation. May we always remember the passion of our Lord and seek to imitate it in our own lives. Amen.

Prayer to St. Paul of the Cross

Dear St. Paul of the Cross, you were a man of great faith and love for Jesus. Help us to follow your example and cultivate a deep devotion to the Passion of our Lord. May we meditate on the sufferings of Christ and come to know his love more fully. Grant us the grace to share this love with others, that we may bring the joy of the gospel to all we meet. Amen.

Prayer to St. Paul of the Cross

O St. Paul of the Cross, you dedicated your life to spreading the message of the Passion of Jesus. Help us to be bold in sharing our faith and to have the courage to stand up for what is right. May your example inspire us to live our lives in service to others and to the glory of God. Amen.

Top 6 Quotes by St. Paul the Cross

  1. Be very careful to retain peace of heart, because Satan casts his lines in troubled waters. – St. Paul of the Cross
  2. I tell you that victory consists in conquering self. That is the greatest enemy. – St. Paul of the Cross
  3. Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of His goodness, where every failing will be canceled and anxiety turned into love. – St. Paul of the Cross
  4. The Passion of Christ is the greatest and most stupendous work of Divine Love. The greatest and most overwhelming work of God’s love. – St. Paul of the Cross
  5. Place your hopes in the mercy of God and the merits of our Redeemer; say often, looking at the crucifix: There are centered all my hopes. – St. Paul of the Cross
  6. Listen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to glorify the sublimity of that sovereign Artist who has given them being. – St. Paul of the Cross

Top 6 Quotes inspired by St. Paul of the Cross

  1. “Be humble and you will be great.”
  2. “The love of God is like a fire that enflames the soul and consumes all that is not of God.”
  3. “Contemplation is the highest form of prayer, in which the soul is completely immersed in God and is united with him in a most intimate and loving union.”
  4. “We must not be content with merely loving God with a general love, but we must love him in each one of his creatures and in every one of his works.”
  5. “Love is the most precious treasure that we can offer to God, and it is also the most excellent way of serving him.”
  6. “Let us love God with all our hearts, and let us also love our neighbor for the love of God.”

Children’s Story about the life of St. Paul of the Cross

In a small town in Italy, there was a boy named Paul who loved Jesus very much. Paul grew up in a Catholic family and went to church every Sunday.

As he grew older, Paul felt a strong desire to serve God and help others learn about Jesus. He decided to become a priest and joined a religious order called the Barnabites.

As a priest, Paul traveled all around Italy, preaching and teaching people about the love of Jesus. He was a very good speaker and many people were moved by his words.

One day, while praying in a chapel in Genoa, Paul had a very special experience. He felt a strong calling to dedicate his life to spreading the message of the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Passion is the story of Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross for our sins.

Paul was so moved by this calling that he decided to start a new religious order called the Passionists. The Passionists were a group of priests and brothers who dedicated their lives to teaching others about the Passion of Jesus and helping people grow closer to God.

Paul spent the rest of his life traveling and preaching about the Passion. He wrote many books about it and founded many Passionist communities throughout Italy and Europe.

People were touched by Paul’s deep love for Jesus and his desire to help others learn about his message. Paul became known as St. Paul of the Cross and is now recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.

St. Paul of the Cross teaches us that it is important to love Jesus and share his message with others. He reminds us that through prayer and contemplation, we can draw closer to God and experience his love.


How did St. Paul of the Cross get his name?

St. Paul of the Cross is called St. Paul of the Cross because he was a Catholic priest and founder of the Passionist religious order, which was dedicated to the promotion of devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the salvation of souls through contemplation and meditation on the sufferings of Christ. The Passion of Jesus refers to the story of Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross for our sins.

St. Paul of the Cross is often depicted in art and iconography carrying a cross, symbolizing his devotion to the Passion of Jesus and his work of spreading the message of the Passion to others. This is why he is commonly referred to as St. Paul of the Cross.

Is St. Paul of the Cross the same as St. Paul the Apostle?

No, St. Paul of the Cross is not the same as St. Paul the apostle. St. Paul of the Cross was an Italian Catholic priest and mystic who founded the Passionist religious order in the 18th century. St. Paul the apostle, also known as Saul of Tarsus, was a Jewish Pharisee who converted to Christianity and became one of the most influential early Christian missionaries. He is traditionally believed to have been one of the authors of the New Testament letters and is revered as a saint by many Christian denominations.

Although they share the same name, St. Paul of the Cross and St. Paul the apostle lived in different eras and had very different roles in the history of the Church.

Papal Writings and Sermons about St. Paul of the Cross

There have been several papal writings and sermons about St. Paul of the Cross. Here are a few examples:

  1. Pope Pius IX, in his homily at the canonization of St. Paul of the Cross in 1867, spoke of the saint’s “heroic virtue” and his “fervent devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ.” He praised St. Paul’s “penetrating and persuasive eloquence,” which moved many people to conversion, and his “exemplary life” as a religious founder.

  2. Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical “Ex quo nono,” referred to St. Paul of the Cross as “that great and holy man” who “devoted himself with all his heart and soul to the promotion of devotion to the Passion of our Lord.” He praised the saint’s “intense love for Jesus” and his efforts to spread the message of the Passion through his preaching and writing.

  3. Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical “Miserentissimus Redemptor,” referred to St. Paul of the Cross as a “man of great holiness” who “won for himself a high place in the hearts of the faithful.” He praised the saint’s devotion to the Passion of Jesus and his efforts to promote this devotion through his preaching and writing.

  4. Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical “Mystici Corporis Christi,” referred to St. Paul of the Cross as a “man of heroic virtue” who “devoted himself with all his heart and soul to the promotion of devotion to the Passion of our Lord.” He praised the saint’s “intense love for Jesus” and his efforts to spread the message of the Passion through his preaching and writing.

Reflection on the Feast of St. Paul of the Cross

Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Paul of the Cross on October 19th. The Feast of St. Paul of the Cross is a time to reflect on the life and legacy of this holy man, who dedicated his life to spreading the message of the Passion of Jesus and helping others grow closer to God.

St. Paul of the Cross was a man of great faith and love for Jesus. He understood that the Passion of Christ was at the very heart of the Christian message and he devoted his life to sharing this message with others. Through his powerful preaching and writing, St. Paul touched the hearts of many people and helped them to experience the love and grace of God.

As we celebrate the Feast of St. Paul of the Cross, we are reminded of the importance of devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the role it plays in our own spiritual lives. May St. Paul’s example inspire us to meditate on the sufferings of Christ and to share his love with others.

Let us be reminded of the powerful witness of this holy man and his dedication to spreading the message of the Passion of Jesus.

St. Paul of the Cross understood that the Passion was at the very heart of the Christian message, and he devoted his life to sharing this message with others. His powerful preaching and writing touched the hearts of many people and helped them to experience the love and grace of God.

As we reflect on the life and example of St. Paul of the Cross, we are challenged to imitate his devotion to the Passion and to share the message of Jesus with others. May his example inspire us to love Jesus more deeply and to seek to bring the joy of the gospel to all we meet. So, let us pray for the intercession of St. Paul of the Cross, that we may be able to follow his footsteps and spread the message of the love of Jesus to all. 

Next up: Biography of St. Paul the Apostle


Also check out our handmade St. Paul of the Cross Medal and St. Paul of the Cross Rosary and St. Paul of the Cross Rosary Bracelet .

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