Everything You Need to Know About the Scapular Devotion

Background and History of the Scapular Devotion

What is a scapular?

Green-Scapular-Immaculate-Heart-of-MaryThe scapular is a popular devotion for devout Christians, particularly Roman Catholics. The scapular consists of two pieces of rectangular cloth that represent a monk’s habit. One rectangle rests on the wearer’s front (near the collarbone / upper chest), while the other hangs on their back, while the band runs over the shoulders. On the cloth is an image of a special devotion to a particular Saint, often the Blessed Mother, Mary. The faithful commit themselves to those traditions and promises, with the hope that they will receive graces here on Earth and in Heaven in their afterlife.

What is the history of the scapular devotion?

Carmalite-ScapularThe original scapular was large brown cloth that monks wore over their shoulders. The word “scapulars” in Latin means “shoulders”. It is a garment first designed by monks in the Middle Ages as protective layer over their clothing for manual labor they pursued, such as working in the fields. It is similar to a poncho, placed over one’s head, though sleeveless, and falls below the knees.

The scapular grew popular among religious communities. Later, laypeople also wanted to wear the scapular garment as a way to imitate the reverent ways of the monks. While the laity were allowed to wear the scapular under strict protocol, the length of the scapular was not always suitable for the work laypeople faced in their works. Therefore, the laypeople scapular was changed to be more fitting in a small size, similar to a necklace. The scapular has changed in appearance through history, but the spiritual concept is still the same.

Why is the scapular important?

Our Lady gave the scapular to St. Simon Stock, the Father of the Carmelite Order, in Cambridge England in the 13th Century. Mary appeared to Saint Simon in a vision. “He who dies in this will not suffer eternal fire.”

To be clear, this does not mean wearing a scapular guarantees safety of avoiding the fires of Hell, nor is this considered a lucky charm. Rather, by wearing the scapular, there is an expectation you will align your life in the holiest manner, and this way of life will help lead you closer to the gates of Heaven. The scapular is intended to serve as a constant reminder for you to carry yourself in a manner Christ would act. By emulating Jesus, we become closer to God and God’s promises for us in Heaven.


Why do Catholics wear a scapular?

Wearing-the-scapularThe scapular is a representation of our devotion to our Blessed Mother. Wearing a scapular shows the commit we have to her honor and acknowledges how close Mary was to her son, Jesus. The scapular joins us closer in prayer to Mary. Wearing the scapular seeks prays from Mary and will present us to her Son as one who is close to her. We identify her as our mother.

Like the rosary, the Scapular has become the badge of the devout Catholic. It has been recorded that Our Lady of Fátima appeared with a Rosary in one hand and a scapular in the other. Many reverent Catholics find that the Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable.


Why should you wear a scapular?

The scapular is an outward sign of one’s devotion to Mary and Christ, though the scapular is more than just a sign. It is also Sacramental, meaning a sacred sign that prepares us to receive God’s grace and accept God’s will for us. Wear this scapular as a reminder to live in constant prayer with Jesus.


What does the scapular look like?


The scapular is a mini version of a monk’s habit. For example, the popular brown scapular the laity wear is a small version of the actual brown scapular worn by the Carmelites, which is the sleeveless outer brown garment worn over the shoulders. The Carmelites wear their Brown Scapular as an outward sign of their vocation.


What is the most common scapular?

Pope-John-Paul-II-ScapularThe most popular scapular is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Pope John Paul II received his first Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel when he was ten years old. This was the start of his devotion to Mary, the mother of God. Pope John Paul II continued to wear his Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel during his papacy. Here is one of many quotes of Pope John Paul II, sharing his love and reverence to Mary:

“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ – her Son and the Son of God!”


What types of scapulars are there?

There are 18 scapulars approved by the Roman Catholic Church:

The White Scapular of the Most Blessed Trinity
The White Scapular of Our Lady of Ransom
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Black Scapular of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
The Blue Scapular of the Immaculate Conception
The Red Scapular of the Most Precious Blood
The Black Scapular of the Passion
The Red Scapular of the Passion
The Black Scapular of Help of the Sick
The White Scapular of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Blue and Black Scapular of St. Michael the Archangel
The Scapular of St. Benedict
The Scapular of the Holy Face
The White Scapular of the Our Lady of Good Counsel
The White Scapular of St. Joseph
The White Scapular of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Scapular of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
The White Scapular of St. Dominic


Find your scapular

Discover which scapular best reflects your devotion to Christ and Mary. Wear your scapular daily as an outward sign of your reverence for Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

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