St. Margaret Clitherow

St. Margaret Clitherow Biography

St. Margaret Clitherow was an English Catholic martyr who lived in the 16th century. Born in York in 1556, she is known for her strong faith and commitment to Catholicism during a time when it was dangerous to be a Catholic in England.

Margaret was born into a prominent family and was well-educated. She married a Protestant businessman, John Clitherow, and they had three children together. However, Margaret always felt a strong pull towards Catholicism and eventually converted to the faith in secret.

Margaret became an important figure in the underground Catholic community in York, offering her home as a place for Mass and providing assistance to priests in hiding. She also helped to smuggle Catholic literature into the country, despite the fact that it was illegal to do so.

In 1586, Margaret was arrested for her Catholic activities and was put on trial. Despite her pleas of innocence, she was found guilty and sentenced to death. On March 25, 1586, she was pressed to death, a brutal execution method in which a person was crushed beneath a heavy weight.

Margaret’s death made her a martyr in the eyes of many Catholics, and her story quickly spread throughout England and Europe. She was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1970 and is considered one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.

St. Margaret Clitherow is remembered for her strong faith and commitment to Catholicism, even in the face of persecution. She is a symbol of the sacrifices made by many during the English Reformation and serves as an inspiration for all those who seek to live their faith with courage and conviction.

Her feast day is celebrated by the Catholic Church on March 25th, and a Shrine dedicated to her can be found in York, which is a pilgrimage site for many Catholics.

St. Margaret Clitherow’s life and death remind us of the importance of religious freedom and the courage required to stand up for one’s beliefs, even in the face of persecution.

Prayer to St. Margaret Clitherow

Dear St. Margaret Clitherow,

You were a courageous and faithful woman who gave your life for your love of the Catholic faith. I ask for your intercession as I strive to live my faith more fully.

Help me to have the courage and determination that you possessed, to defend my faith, and to proclaim the truth of the Gospel.

Through your powerful intercession, may I be strengthened in my commitment to living a virtuous life, and may I have the grace to suffer for the sake of my faith.


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